Vietnamese Coffee Calories: A Must-Read for Coffee Lovers!

tl;dr: Vietnamese coffee contains calories

If you’re a coffee lover, you may be wondering about the calorie content of your favorite brew. In this article, we’ll explore the calories in Vietnamese coffee, specifically focusing on traditional preparations. Whether you enjoy it black or with condensed milk, understanding the calorie content can help you make informed choices about your coffee consumption. We’ll also discuss factors that can affect the calorie content, the health benefits of Vietnamese coffee, and considerations for those who are conscious of their calorie intake.

Calories in traditional Vietnamese coffee

Vietnamese coffee is known for its unique brewing method and rich flavor. Traditionally, it is made using a small metal drip filter called a phin, which allows hot water to slowly drip through the coffee grounds. The resulting brew is typically strong and bold in taste. Let’s take a closer look at the calorie content of different variations of Vietnamese coffee.

Calories in black coffee

If you prefer your Vietnamese coffee black, without any added sweeteners or milk, you’ll be pleased to know that it is a low-calorie beverage. A typical cup of black Vietnamese coffee contains only about 2 calories. This makes it an excellent choice for those who are watching their calorie intake or following a strict diet.

Calories in coffee with condensed milk

One popular way to enjoy Vietnamese coffee is by adding condensed milk. This adds a creamy and sweet element to the beverage, but it also increases the calorie content. On average, a cup of Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk can contain around 120-150 calories. The exact calorie count may vary depending on the amount of condensed milk used and the size of the serving.

To give you a better idea of the calorie content, here’s a comparison table:

Type of Vietnamese Coffee Calories per Cup
Black Coffee 2 calories
Coffee with Condensed Milk 120-150 calories

Factors that affect the calorie content

Several factors can influence the calorie content of Vietnamese coffee. Understanding these factors can help you make adjustments to suit your dietary needs.

Type of coffee beans used

The type of coffee beans used in Vietnamese coffee can impact its calorie content. Different coffee beans have varying levels of natural oils and sugars, which can contribute to the overall calorie count. However, the difference in calorie content between different coffee bean varieties is generally minimal.

Amount of condensed milk added

As mentioned earlier, the calorie content of Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk depends on the amount of condensed milk added. If you’re looking to reduce your calorie intake, consider using less condensed milk or opting for a lower-fat alternative.

Size of the serving

The size of the serving also plays a role in the calorie content. A larger cup of Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk will naturally contain more calories compared to a smaller serving. Be mindful of portion sizes to manage your calorie intake effectively.

Health benefits of Vietnamese coffee

While it’s important to be aware of the calorie content, Vietnamese coffee also offers several health benefits that may make it a worthwhile addition to your diet.

Antioxidants in coffee

Coffee, including Vietnamese coffee, is rich in antioxidants. These compounds help protect your body against damage from harmful free radicals and may have various health benefits, including reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Boost in energy and focus

The caffeine content in Vietnamese coffee can provide a natural energy boost and enhance mental focus. It can help you stay alert and productive throughout the day.

Possible weight loss effects

While coffee alone is not a magic weight loss solution, it may have some potential benefits for weight management. The caffeine in Vietnamese coffee can temporarily suppress appetite and increase metabolism, which may aid in calorie burning. However, it’s important to note that any weight loss effects are likely to be modest and should be combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Considerations for calorie-conscious individuals

If you’re conscious of your calorie intake, there are a few strategies you can employ when enjoying Vietnamese coffee.

Choosing black coffee over coffee with condensed milk

Opting for black Vietnamese coffee is the best choice if you’re looking to minimize calorie intake. It provides the rich flavor and caffeine boost without adding significant calories.

Using alternative sweeteners or milk options

If you enjoy the sweetness and creaminess of Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk, consider using alternative sweeteners or milk options. Stevia or other natural sweeteners can provide sweetness without adding calories, and low-fat or plant-based milk alternatives can reduce the calorie content.

Controlling portion sizes

Being mindful of portion sizes is crucial when managing calorie intake. Use smaller cups or limit the amount of condensed milk added to keep the calorie count in check.


In conclusion, Vietnamese coffee contains calories, but the exact amount depends on the preparation method and ingredients used. Black Vietnamese coffee is a low-calorie option, while coffee with condensed milk can be higher in calories. Factors such as the type of coffee beans, amount of condensed milk, and serving size can affect the calorie content. However, Vietnamese coffee also offers health benefits, including antioxidants and a natural energy boost. For those watching their calorie intake, choosing black coffee, using alternative sweeteners or milk options, and controlling portion sizes can help enjoy Vietnamese coffee while managing calories effectively. So go ahead and savor your cup of Vietnamese coffee, knowing that you can make choices that align with your dietary goals.

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